Dongin Prabhawa Offers Equal Working Opportunities to Indigenous Papuanstse group2024-09-23T15:20:15+07:00September 23, 2024|
GMM’s Clinic Allows Local Villagers to Obtain Free TreatmentPublic Relation2024-09-12T13:27:28+07:00September 12, 2024|
PAL Involves Mutimangge Villagers in Biodiversity Campaign in Papuatse group2024-10-09T09:58:51+07:00August 24, 2024|
Asiki Clinic and Radio’s Anniversary Commemorated by Blood DrivePublic Relation2024-09-20T09:50:21+07:00August 3, 2024|
From South Papua, TSE Group Produces Another Batch of Skilled Graduates through BPDPKS ScholarshipPublic Relation2024-09-20T09:03:21+07:00July 27, 2024|
A Look at TSE Group’s Journey to Maintaining Tolerance and Diversity in PapuaPublic Relation2024-09-20T09:36:40+07:00July 26, 2024|
Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group Receives CSC Award from South Papua Governmenttse group2024-08-29T08:36:44+07:00July 25, 2024|
Concrete Action by TSE Group Helps Papuan Youth Improve Computer CompetencyPublic Relation2024-08-16T13:45:21+07:00July 12, 2024|
How TSE Group Builds Rapport with Local CommunitiesPublic Relation2024-07-25T10:07:53+07:00July 1, 2024|
TSE Group Joins Manpower & Transmigration Service, Productivity & Vocational Training Center in Developing People Through Trainingtse group2024-09-23T15:26:45+07:00June 20, 2024|
TSE Group and Bunda Pengharapan Hospital Join Forces for Free Cataract Screeningtse group2024-09-23T15:34:13+07:00June 14, 2024|
Clever Collaboration Involving Palm Oil Company Helps Tackle Education Issues in Inner Papuatse group2024-09-23T16:25:20+07:00June 5, 2024|
Uncovering Stories of Inner Papua through Free Medical ServicesPublic Relation2024-07-01T10:35:24+07:00May 31, 2024|
Company-Supported Pre-School Hosts Its 7th Graduation CeremonyPublic Relation2024-06-28T17:13:34+07:00May 28, 2024|