Statement by SKP-Kame, Pusaka, etc and the chronology written by Mr. FS. (May 17, 2020)

  1. It is alleged that banana trees that had been planted by the victim were cleared by PT. TSE without prior and proper notice.
  2. It is alleged that PT. TSE resorted to coercion using a police officer when the victim came to the TSE office to protest the clearing of banana trees.
  3. The NGO which issued the statement is demanding that the local government conduct investigations into the TSE’s coercive measures using the military and police, and that TSE comply with laws and regulations with respect to residents’ rights.
  • TSE Group released a Statement on May 20, 2020. A multilateral consultative body comprising residents, local governments, local organizations, and NGOs is being formed to conduct an impartial, objective, meticulous, and thorough investigation to find out what exactly happened, and to prevent future recurrence.
  • Papua’s Representative of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights(Komnas HAM) sent a letter to PT. Tunas Sawa Erma dated June 2, 2020, referring to Clarification Request and we responded to the letter on June 10, 2020.
    We welcome and agree the investigation of Papua’s Representative of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights. We hope that the investigation will not only be limited to asking for clarification, but also conduct in-depth and thorough investigation on the death of Mr. MT by involving the relevant parties to provide fair, objective, meticulous, and thorough report on the incident.
    During the investigation process carried out by the Papua’s Representative of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, the formation of the Multilateral Consultative Body will be temporarily discontinued to not influence the investigation process.
    Based on the Papua’s Representative of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights’ investigation results and recommendations, we will discuss the right steps to be taken in the future with relevant parties.
  • The Papuan Representative of the National Human Rights Commission conducted an on-site visit from June 29 to July 3, 2020 which was followed by a Press Conference on July 7, 2020 at the National Human Rights Commission’s office in Jayapura.
  • The National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia has submitted Letter No. 027/3.5.6/VII/2020 dated July 15, 2020 regarding the investigation recommendations to the Director of PT. Tunas Sawa Erma which contains the Report on Investigation Results and Recommendations on violence committed by a police officer against a civilian in Camp 19, Jair District, Boven Digoel Regency.
  • On July 7, 2020, the Papuan Representative of the National Human Rights Commission had held a Press Conference in Jayapura, and firmly stated that the Papuan Representative of the National Human Rights Commission did not find direct involvement of PT. Tunas Sawa Erma with the case of alleged human rights violations which resulted in the death of Mr. MT.
  • In accordance with the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission and the initial commitments of PT. Tunas Sawa Erma, we agree to work with the National Human Rights Commission as follows (Statement):
    1. We respectfully request that the Papua Human Rights Council form and lead a multilateral consultative body for achieving economic and social interests as well as protecting residents’ rights in the palm industry in the Papua region.
    2. To improve and strengthen the principles of human rights protection in our operation, we agree to conduct training of employees by the Papua Human Rights Commission and other organizations.

We have sent a follow-up letter on recommendations to the Papua Human Rights Commission.